
How to share with Instagram

Instagram is image-based so you will need to take a screenshot of your fundraiser page and post it on your Instagram page.

If you want to add the link of your fundraiser page to the Instagram post, you have to copy the link address of your fundraiser (you can also click on the Instagram icon under the header image), go to the Instagram post you just made, click on edit and paste it in as text. Unfortunately, people cannot click on the link.

You can, however, add a clickable link to your fundraiser page in the bio. Keep it there for as long as your fundraiser is up and running. 

Tip: Make use of relevant hashtags (#). Hashtags are invaluable on Instagram. But how do you use hashtags to reach more people and create a stronger page? These should relate to the content of your post. Also look at which hashtags are trending. If your post has something to do with one of these trending hashtags, be sure to add it! Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags.

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