Posting updates and news about regarding your campaign
Fundraisers > Edit fundraiser > Updates
In this section you can post updates, news and other developments relating to your campaign.
It is important to keep your donors (both those who have already donated and potential new donors) up to date with the progress of your campaign.
As soon as you post an update, all donors will also receive an email notification that an update has been posted on your campaign page.
Emails regarding updates that have been posted in the past 24 hours will be sent at 9am provided your campaign is activated.
Note: If you post an update while your campaign is inactivated, no automatic e-mail about the posting of the update will be sent to your donors.
If you (re-)activate your campaign within 24 hours - after posting an update - an update email will be sent to your donors. In all other cases, no update email will be sent to donors if your fundraiser is inactive.