Basic Info

Adding a title, short and long description, target amount, and main header image

Dashboard: Fundraisers > Edit fundraiser > Basic info

Log in to your dashboard. Go to Fundraisers. Here you will see your fundraiser(s). Click on Edit fundraiser. Here you can design your fundraiser page. There are several tabs in which you can edit your fundraiser. The tabs are Basic info, Images, and Video, Settings, and Updates.


A strong title is important. Keep it short and to the point. There is room for up to 75 characters.

Header photo or image

A good catchy header photo or image is crucial for your campaign page! One picture says more than a thousand words! If you don't have a suitable header photo yourself, you can search for one on the internet. Make sure that the image is free of rights. A useful source of images, which are free to use, is Unsplash. You can use the search bar in Unsplash to find a suitable image. Go to the Unsplash website here:

For an optimal sharp head action picture the minimum proportions are: 365px by 189px. 

Short description (subtitle)

The short description or subtitle conveys in one or two short sentences what the action is about. Keep it short and to the point. There is room for a maximum of 125 characters. Not mandatory, however highly recommended.

Long description (the story)

You can elaborate and place an extended description or the story and necessity behind your fundraiser. A personal narrative creates more involvement and more willingness to donate. Not mandatory, however highly recommended.

Long description (the story): Multiple languages

Fundraisers > Edit fundraiser > Basic Info > Long description > + Add language

You can add the detailed description in several languages (maximum 3), which will then appear as different tabs on your fundraiser page. We recommend the internet translation machine DeepL which provides very accurate translations and Google Translate. These websites are free to use. You can find them here:


Google Translate

Target Amount

Set a target amount. Fundraisers with a target amount get more donations than those without. You can change the target amount during the course of the campaign. Not mandatory, however highly recommended.

Payout is independent of reaching or not reaching a target amount. Payout will always take place.

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