Sharing a preview page before going 'live'

How can I show a campaign page to others before placing it online for the general public?

You can show a 'preview page' to others in your group (e.g. to receive feedback) before publishing the campaign page online. You can do this in 2 ways:

1. By activating the campaign page and then sharing the link only with those whom you want to see the preview. The page is then online (you do this by clicking the Active button) but the page will not be easily found because it is ranked very low in Google. If you do not share the page further with the public - but only with the people you want to show the preview to - no one will find the page as yet. Furthermore, set 'limited access' in Settings. This will prevent Google from indexing and ranking your preview page. 

Once you have received all the necassry feedback from your previewers, de-activate the page (click the Active button again so it is Off) and you can continue customising your page. Once done, activate the page and turn Off limited access again and you can start sharing the page with your network and the general public.

2. You share your login details with others who can then log in to your account to view the page. This way, the page can remain offline (de-activated) and people with whom you have shared your login details can view and also edit the page. You can also always change the e-mail address and/or password later for security. Note: the e-mail address entered is your user name, which you will need when logging in. 

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