Security & Reliability

Ensuring a secure and safe platform

How is the security of the platform ensured?

Security & Reliability

The safety and reliability of the platform and payments are paramount at Spendenaktion.

SSL: The security of the Spendenaktion platform is guaranteed by the so-called SSL certificate. SSL literally stands for Secure Sockets Layer which means that a secure layer is placed between a server and an internet browser. With SSL, confidential data is sent encrypted so that it cannot be intercepted. A website is secured by SSL if there is a small lock in front of the URL in the address bar.

PSD2: The security of donations is guaranteed as we work with Mollie, one of Europe's best-known payment service providers (PSP) and PayPal. Both Mollie and PayPal hold a PSD2 licence. PSD2 is an abbreviation for Payment Services Directives 2 and is a European directive regulating payment services in the European Union. Learn more about PSD2.

The security of payouts is guaranteed as we work with Payaut, which handles our payouts. Payaut also holds a PSD2 licence.

Escrow account: Donations and payouts go through the escrow accounts of the pay-in and pay-out payment service providers we work with (Mollie, PayPal and Payaut). Donations and payouts are therefore strictly separated from Sponsor Europe (owner of the platform). Even in the unlikely event of Sponsor Europe going out of business, your donations and pay-outs are always safe.

KYC verification: KYC stands for Know Your Customer. We are required by the applicable regulations to identify and verify our customers so that the platform cannot be misused.

SCA: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a requirement of the revised EU directive (PSD2) on the security of payment services. It adds additional layers of security to electronic payments. (such as a password or PIN). All payment methods offered comply with SCA's guidelines.

3DS: 3D Secure (3DS) is a protocol that adds extra security to online credit and debit card payments. It ensures that a form of online identification is added to the authorisation of a financial transaction with a credit card. Only credit card donations secured with 3DS are accepted on the platform.

2FA - Two-factor authentication: Two-step verification, also known as two-factor authentication (2FA), allows you to add extra security to your account. 2FA is an extra layer of security used to ensure that only authenticated users can access your online account. We strongly recommend using 2FA with your account.

Abuse monitoring: Spendenaktion only allows legitimate fundraising campaigns on the platform. Fundraising campaigns suspected of being illegitimate and/or having wrong intentions are investigated and removed. In addition to us monitoring this ourselves, every visitor can report (suspected) abuse. This way, the 'crowd' can also keep an eye on things. All fundraising campaigns must also comply with the guidelines set out in our general terms and conditions.

How is the security of the payments guaranteed?

We work together with Mollie, one of the best-known payment service providers (PSP) in Europe. Mollie holds a PSD2 license issued by De Nederlandse Bank (The Dutch Central Bank). PSD2 is an abbreviation for Payment Services Directives 2. In addition, all payment methods comply with SCA guidelines. 

How do we prevent and address abuse?

We only allows legitimate fundraisers to be placed on its platform. 

Fundraisers suspected of being illegal and/or of malicious intent will be investigated and removed if necessary. 

Besides monitoring this strictly ourselves, every visitor can report abuse. This way the crowd/the community also keeps a careful watch on the fundraisers. We take abuse reports seriously and investigate reported fundraisers for legitimacy. 

In addition, all fundraisers must comply with the conduct guidelines as stated in our terms and conditions, otherwise, they will be removed.

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