Security & Reliability

Ensuring a secure and safe platform

How is the security of the platform ensured?

The safety and reliability of the platform and the payments are paramount.

The security of the platform is guaranteed by an SSL certificate. SSL is the abbreviation of Secure Sockets Layer which means that a secure layer is placed between a server and an internet browser. With SSL, confidential data is sent encrypted so that it cannot be intercepted. A website is secured by SSL if there is a lock symbol before the URL in the address bar.

How is the security of the payments guaranteed?

We work together with Mollie, one of the best-known payment service providers (PSP) in Europe. Mollie holds a PSD2 license issued by De Nederlandse Bank (The Dutch Central Bank). PSD2 is an abbreviation for Payment Services Directives 2. In addition, all payment methods comply with SCA guidelines. 

How do we prevent and address abuse?

We only allows legitimate fundraisers to be placed on its platform. 

Fundraisers suspected of being illegal and/or of malicious intent will be investigated and removed if necessary. 

Besides monitoring this strictly ourselves, every visitor can report abuse. This way the crowd/the community also keeps a careful watch on the fundraisers. We take abuse reports seriously and investigate reported fundraisers for legitimacy. 

In addition, all fundraisers must comply with the conduct guidelines as stated in our terms and conditions, otherwise, they will be removed.

#: surety, guarantee, peace of mind, collateral, security, safety, insurance, safeguard, frankness, openness, sincerity, justice, trust, tried, bona fide, solid, sound, honest, faultless, faithful, integrity, incorruptible, solid, safe, trusted, protected, trustworthy, safe, sure, bona fide, assurance, abuse, abuse reporting, misuse, reporting, fraudulent, rogue, untrustworthy

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