Abuse report

On every campaign page, you will find an report abuse button. This button allows visitors of a campaign page to send an abuse report to the platform if they suspect abuse.

By abuse, we mean that the collected donations do not go to the specified goal or that the goal of a findraiser itself is not correct or legitimate.

Just as the 'crowd' is approached for donations, the 'crowd' also ensures that fundraisers are 'real' and legitimate.

We take abuse reports seriously and investigate the fundraiser. If a fundraiser is found to be illegitimate, it will be taken offline and the user account will be blocked. Please note that we must have evidence and/or demonstrable facts to take a fundraiser offline and that our investigation may take some time.

In the case of established abuse, donations that have already been made shall be returned to the donors, insofar as they have not already been paid out to the organisor.

Reports of abuse are always anonymous, in the sense that we do not pass on personal details of the abuse reporter to the fundraisers organisor. However, some personal data (name, phone number and email address) are requested from the abuse reporter. This, as we may need/want to get in touch with the abuse reporter as part of our investigation.

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