
Spendenaktion is one of the most inexpensive crowdfunding & donation platforms in Germany and Austria. Setting up and starting a Spendenaktion is completely free. Fees will only be charged for successful donations. No cure no pay! We do not ask for extra contributions or tips from donors and we payout every week.

Platform fees

Spendenaktion charges a fee of 5% including VAT on successful donations. The minimum donation amount is €5.

Transaction fees

The fixed transaction costs are €0.50 including VAT per donation. This amount covers the costs of receiving and processing (via Mollie, our Payment Services Provider), managing and paying out the donations on a weekly basis. 

Some payment methods charge additional variable transaction costs. Check out an overview of the payment methods and their costs here.

When paying out, platform and transaction costs are automatically deducted from the donations. You can follow all incoming donations and deductions 24/7 in your dashboard (under Donations and Payments). You will not receive an invoice nor do you need to transfer money for the costs.

Rights reserved for price changes.

Weekly payout

It is also important to check when payments are made. Some platforms only pay out at the end of the campaign or monthly. Spendenaktion pays out every week. In this way you will have the collected donations at your disposal quickly!

Why are rates charged?

Spendenaktion is one of the most inexpensive crowdfunding & donation platforms in Germany and Austria. Our aim and mission is to be the most affordable and best crowdfunding platform.

However, without a deduction for platform fees, it would unfortunately not be possible to offer such a service. Costs are made for things like hosting, security, development, support, marketing and promotion, taxes and staff.

The transaction costs are necessary because costs are charged by the various payment methods, the banks and Mollie (Payment Service Provider) to enable online transactions.

#: cost, costs, rates, deductions, price, rate, pricing

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