Multiple languages

Multiple languages of your campaign text + multiple languages of the platform

Long description (the story): Multiple languages

Fundraisers > Edit fundraiser > Basic Info > Long description > + Add language

You can add the extended description in several languages which will then appear as different tabs on your fundraiser page.

To do so, click on + Add language. A second input block will appear where you can choose the language and fill in the translated extended description in that language. Don't forget to also select the correct language for the first/original block of tekst.

The language of the first text block is the default language in which your description is displayed. The languages are tabbed for the visitor to select. You can change the order of the languages with the order function.

You can add up to three languages. These languages will then appear as clickable tabs next to the extensive description on your fundraiser page.

We recommend the internet translation machine DeepL which gives very accurate translations (better than Google Translate!). This translation machine is free to use and can be found here. DeepL does not have all languages. If your desired language is not included, please use Google Translate.

Platform language: multiple languages

Spendenaktion offers 2 default languages German and English.

A visitor can simply select the language of his/her choice; then the platform's language changes to this language.

In some cases, you want your campaign page to open immediately in the recipient's correct language. For example, you want to send English-speaking recipients the link to your campaign page whereby the page opens immediately in the English language.

This can be done by sending the specific language link of your campaign page. You can easily generate this yourself by first choosing the right language with the language selector. The link of your campaign page will then change automatically.

On, the link to your campaign has the following format:

• German: number

• English: number

You can see that the word spendenaktion (DE) or fundraiser is mentioned in the link.

All links lead to the same campaign page!

For example, if you want to send the link to your fundraiser page to a specific English-speaking target group and you want the fundraiser page to open immediately in English, you can use number.

It is not compulsory to use the different links for the different language groups. After all, the visitor can choose his/her preferred language. However, by sending the specific language link, the visitors do not have to make a language choice as the campaign page is immediately in the correct language.

The above only concerns the platform language and not the language of your own texts. It is possible to display the extended description in several languages. 

Read how to do this above.

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